Thursday, December 2, 2021

An Ultimate Christmas Piece

For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; and the government will rest on His shoulders; and His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.

Isaiah 9:6

Such a beautiful verse!  Ever since George Frideric Handel composed the oratorio "The Messiah" which is "an extended reflection on Jesus as the Messiah called Christ," this specific piece of music on the above verse has delighted singers, challenged musicians, and thrilled listeners.  

This piece imparts great Biblical truth about the Heavenly Father coming to earth as a baby to show us how to live.  The government resting on His shoulders tells us that He has authority over us because He Is God and that He has our best interests in mind.  And then there are His names--how deep and glorious they are!  A wonderful counselor who knows exactly what we are going through, a mighty God who created this amazing world full of sight and sound and smells, an eternal Father who was, and is, and is to come forever, and a prince of peace who longs for us to know Him and His peace.

Have you heard this piece of music lately?  I encourage you to find a video of it somewhere.  Put on the headphones, sip a warm beverage, be transported to a little corner of Heaven...and marvel at the love and greatness of our Eternal Father.

Merry Christmas!

Some lovely performances:

Boston Baroque — "Unto Us a Child is Born" from Handel's Messiah - YouTube

Handel: Messiah, For unto us a child is born (Sir Colin Davis, Tenebrae, LSO) - YouTube

Had to share this, too:

Handel's 'Hallelujah!' Chorus live at the Sydney Opera House - YouTube

For more information on "The Messiah":  Messiah (Handel) - Wikipedia

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