Friday, December 31, 2021

Grace - My Faith Planner

 One of my A5 planner binders is all about documenting my faith and how I am growing and learning.  Here are a few pictures and maybe you'll find some encouragement and ideas.  Please feel free to comment with any questions you may have.

Inside the front cover I have various stickers and things in the pockets as well as this Faith Girl dashboard I put together a few years ago.  I love the letter stickers and the black and white patterned paper.  That gal is sassy!

The next section is a list of Godly Goals I want to accomplish.  It also is my Faith Bucket List of traits I want to work on in my personal faith.  These are working lists and I always adding to them.

The next section I call My Faith -- I want to be consistent and disciplined in utilizing this section to record happenings in my faith life and use what I've recorded to further deepen my prayer life.

After that is a section focusing on a growing list of studies I want to do.  This covers many ideas: Old and New Testament studies, word studies, character studies, places, events, Hebrew words, Greek verbs, deep Biblical concepts, heck: #AllTheBibleProjects that I have had in my head or have heard about someone else studying.  I am considering categorizing these a little better; something like a page of lists like:

Old Testament studies
my OT mentor
Women - a basic summary
Hebrew words
the Tabernacle
12 sons of Israel
the Jewish Calendar
Ancient City Geography
The Song of Ascents (Psalm 120-134)
...and more (I could be here all day)

New Testament studies
General book information (OT, too)
Comparing the Four Gospels
the Parables of Jesus
People Who Were Healed by Jesus
The I AM statements
Concepts (there are many!)
The 3:16 Verses (at least of list of them)
The 1:9 Verses
...and more (all day and all night haha!)

Basic Bible Information like:
Number of: books, authors, chapters, verses, languages, questions, commands, promises, prophesies...longest chapter, shortest chapter, longest verse, shortest verse....

I've also copied out short studies I have seen or heard about in a sermon or seen on Pinterest that I liked, such as "My Father Is...." "God's Desires for Women" (1 Peter 3:3-6).

and then all the studies behind those lists.  I may have to make a new binder to contain all the studies--won't that be fun?  It will also be fun to add stickers and washi tape and other decorative elements to those pages.

The next section is another series of lists like: books I want to read or buy, gratitude, Rhema scriptures, scriptures to illustrate, favorite hymns and songs, et cetera.

The last section in this planner contains various notes about what I wanted for my Faith Planner that I've taken over the last year or so.  It is lots of ideas I wanted to keep nearby so that I could keep my focus on how I wanted to put this Faith Planner together for myself.  It's probably the most unorganized section in this binder, but I do reference it from time to time to keep myself on track as to what I wanted contain in this planner.  If you haven't got focus, you just have ideas; I know I need a map of where I am and where I want to go.

These dividers were some of my own making from the Carpe Diem/The Reset Girl lines that I've had for a while as well as sassy gals from the Honeys collection from The Reset Girl.  I am not sure if she is selling these right now; I did purchase the printable files from her a few years ago.

More links here:
What's Up with Cori? - YouTube  She has lots of crafty how-to videos here!

Grace and Peace to you....


  1. I SO love how deeply you study and I aim to be there one day (in time, I know). Sometimes there are just so many options I wind up just reading instead of doing more. I would love to see a post of a particular (any!) type of study you really enjoy and how you do it!

  2. Okay! I’ll work on something. Good idea!
