Monday, January 10, 2022

Lamp of our Feet

Thy word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path ... Thy testimonies are wonderful; therefore my soul observes them.  The unfolding of Thy words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple.  
Psalm 119: 105, 129-130 

Lamp of Our Feet
Bernard Barton (1784 - 1849)

Lamp of our feet, whereby we trace
our path when wont to stray,
stream from the fount of heavenly grace, 
brook by the traveler's way

Bread of our souls, whereon we feed,
true manna from on high.
Our guide and chart, wherein we read
of realms beyond the sky.

Word of the everliving God,
will of His glorious Son:
without Thee how could earth be trod, 
or heaven itself be won?

Lord grant us all aright to learn
the wisdom it imparts,
and to its heavenly teaching turn,
with simple childlike hearts.


The amazing poem that is Psalm 119 praised God for His Word in verse after verse.  In the Hebrew language, it is a cleverly constructed acrostic poem, going through the entire Hebrew alphabet in eight-verse stanzas: each line in the first stanza begins with aleph, the second begins with beth, and so on.  Does your Bible divide it up like this?

Bernard Barton incorporated several biblical images in his poem above to describe God's Word: a lamp, a stream, bread, and a chart or map.  Throughout the psalm, God's Word is described in many ways but the verse that stands out (for me and for many others) is verse 105: "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path."

How have you seen God light the way for you as you follow Him and hide His word in your heart?  Have you found rest and peace by His streams of water or nourishment at His table?  Have you turned your life over to His direction and seek His ways and Who He Is?  His Word describes itself as a vital source of life.  I pray you have found this to be true.

Grace and peace to you.


  1. I envision that the lamp is a small glow and the longer and strong you walk with Him, the brighter the light gets to see by :-)

  2. That is beautiful!
