Friday, July 22, 2022

Bible Paragraph Summary - Galatians & Ephesians

  Give instruction to a wise person and he will become still wiser; teach a righteous person and he will increase his insight.  Proverbs 9:9

My NAS Bible has chapter summary headings--sometimes more than one--as you can see in the picture above of the beginning of Ephesians.  See the words in the bolded font?  Apparently not all Bibles have this and since I've used the NAS all of my life, I never knew (or really realized) that some Bibles don't have these headings!  I like getting a sort of preview of what is going to happen in the words that follow.  I suppose these are included at the discretion of the translator and publisher.

I decided to type these out for every Bible book and chapter so I could easily reference where a particular story or topic was instead of spending a long time searching through the pages for a name or topic to jump out at me.  And what if I am not near a computer or can't whip out my phone to look it up?  (I guess that's the Old School #BibleNerd in me!)  For instance, I wanted to know where the story of Zaccheus was in the Gospels.  I can quickly and easily look through these listings and find that the story of Zaccheus is found in Luke 19.  Success!  And that didn't take long at all.

I've included these sheets in my A5 Bible Reference Binder and I actually have them in a few of my Bible binders so that no matter where I am, I will have access to the information.  I decided to share this information for you, dear reader, in case you are interested in something like this!  It IS #FridayFreebie, after all.  So look for these posts every Friday for a while; I will post the New Testament first then post the Old Testament.  Look for "Friday Freebie" or "Paragraph Summary" in the labels/tags.  Feel free to copy and format them how you will use them.  I think that any Bible study information should not cost anything to anyone and would appreciate you sharing about this content and about my blog with anyone you know would appreciate what is found here.]



1   Introduction / Perversion of the Gospel / Paul Defends His Ministry

2   The Council of Jerusalem / Peter (Cephas) Opposed by Paul

3   Faith Brings Righteousness / Intent of the Law

4   Sonship in Christ / Bond and Free

5   Walk by the Spirit

6   Bear One Another’s Burdens



1   The Blessings of Redemption

2   Made Alive in Christ

3   Paul’s Stewardship

4   Unity of the Spirit / The Christian’s Walk

5   Be Imitators of God / Marriage Like Christ and the Church

6   Family Relationships / The Armor of God

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