Wednesday, December 15, 2021



or Emmanuel (romanized)

"Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, a virgin will be with child and bear a son, and she will call His name Immanuel."  Isaiah 7:14

Hebrew עמנו אל (im-ma-nu el)  "with us is the mighty one"

 עם ( 'im ) with 

 נו ( nu ) us

 אל ( 'el ) God

עמנו is the Hebrew word עם (iym, Strong's #5973, note that the ם is the form of the letter מ (mem) when it appears at the end of a word), meaning "with," and the suffix נו (nu) meaning "us." The word אל (el, Strong's #410) is the Hebrew word meaning "mighty one" or "God." All put together, the name עמנואל means "with us is the mighty one." 
Definition of Hebrew Names: Immanuel | AHRC (

God With Us.  We hear this name most at Christmas.  But Jesus is with us always.  Always.  He has been with us from before time existed and He will be with us when someday we meet Him in heaven.

He is with you during church services.  With you when you pray.  He is rejoicing and dancing with you on the mountaintop and walking beside with you in the lonely valley of despair.  He knows the ins and outs of your heart, the workings of your mind (He made you, after all!).  He is with you during nighttime terrors and with you as you greet the morning with a peace that passes understanding.  He is with you as you walk beside your spouse and with you as you teach and discipline your children.  He is with you as you clean house, make dinner, and do laundry.

So rejoice in this merry season as you remember that Jesus came to earth as a swaddling baby and sing the songs that give your heart gladness and that deep peace.  

Rejoice in this truth: God Is With Us.

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