Tuesday, January 25, 2022

A Life in Focus

Oh the dreams I had as a child: ice skater, librarian, mommy! I read many books, listened raptly to the Sunday school teachers and the preacher in the pulpit as they made Bible stories come alive.  I watched old movies with my mom—and she told me I could be anything I wanted to be.  My young mind was awash in the glory of the future!

As I grew older, my dreams did not stop.  But I never wrote the next epic saga atop the bestseller list, never pursued creative speaking with witty one-liners, never crafted beautiful, fashionable jewelry with my own hands, never dreamed up the next sassy scrapbooking supplies that everyone had to have, nor have I sold any other home-created endeavor which would help out the thirsty bank account.  Never travelled the world bringing home trinkets and stories to share.

Now that I am older and this extrovert is more in touch with her introvert side, I pause often for reflection, considering all that my life has been and what, if anything, may be in the future.  And I invite myself to remember my faith-based upbringing.  My mom and dad took me to church and showed me what it means to not only live a life of joyful service in our church, but what a blessed life it is in pursuit of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.  How deeply honorable and noble it is to be a hearer and doer of the Word.  

I remember hearing of how deep and wide the love of God is for me through the hymns I learned by holding a precious hymnal in my hands; the smell and feel of the paper within still invoke wistful memories.  The perfectly perforated pieces of Flannelboard cutouts that I helped my mom punch out that were the early visual representation of the people and stories within that precious Book.  I learned to see those pictures in my mind’s eye to help me remember those stories and set my learning on a path from which I have never wanted to stray.

So when I find myself daydreaming of the future, I make a conscious effort not to dream about worldly aspirations that could bring me recognition or help me pay bills.  I think God has not called me to that.  Oh, I’ll do the actions I need to do while in this earthly shell to keep my house clean, teach the children, love and respect my husband, maybe add to the household income.  But I’ll also find ways to glorify God in my thought life and in the working of my hands, knowing that God sees me.  I’ll also be considering my future Home in Heaven in the presence and light of God, singing in the choir with all that is within me.  It is becoming my earnest focus and purpose to see Him glorified now and for always.

Genesis 16:13
Then she called the name of the Lord who spoke to her, “You are a God who sees”; for she said, “Have I even remained alive here after seeing Him?”

Luke 1: 46-47
And Mary said: “My soul exalts the Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior.  For He has had regard for the humble state of His bondslave, for behold, from this time on all generations will count me blessed.

James 1:22
But prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves.


  1. I too had this realization a few years ago. That this life wasn't made for us to chase our own selfish ambitions and glorify ourselves, but to glorify God. What treasure do we store for ourselves in heaven when we put everything we are into that career goal? Nada. Yes, do the things we HAVE to do on earth, but aspiring to be the "doer" is the real thing we should be chasing.

    1. I have to remind myself of this #truth every so often. God is on the throne of my life—always has been—and I must relinquish my dreams, hopes, and desires for HIS best. And trust that.

  2. Anonymous5/27/2022

    Trying to enter with my Google account -- this is Ellen from FLC -- I especially feel blessed by this thoughtful page because as I age, my extrovert self recognizes my introvert self...Also, Great reminder to store our treasures in heaven <3 (Also -- flannel boards! i miss those :) )

    1. I'm sorry I did not see your comment sooner than this! I was sure there were other women who felt this way and I wanted to be an encouragement.
