Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Study Topic Ideas

Your word I have treasured in my heart that I may not sin against You.  Psalm 119:11

The mind of the prudent acquires knowledge and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.  Proverbs 18:15

Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.  Philippians 4:8

Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.   2 Timothy 2:15

I have an ongoing, ever-growing list of topics I want to study. I want to make lists with information and Bible verses, Old Testament studies, New Testament studies...all in the hope of knowing my Bible better and thus, knowing God better. Would you like to start a list or add to the one you've got going?  See my current list below.

But first, here are some interesting Bible facts:

66 books (Old Testament: 39 books - New Testament: 27 books)
40 Authors
1500 years to write the Bible
1189 Chapters (OT: 929 - NT: 260)
31,173 Verses (OT: 23,214 - NT: 7,959)
Written in 3 languages: Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek
3,294 Questions
6468 Commands
1260 Promises
8,000+ Prophesies
Longest Chapter: Psalm 119
Shortest Chapter: Psalm 117

Ready for some study ideas?

Old Testament
Hebrew Words you like
The Jewish Calendar
Boundary Stones
10 Plagues of Egypt
Tabernacle (summary and specifics)
Psalms (the book of Psalms is divided into five sections-can you find them?)
Who is a mentor in the Old Testament to you?

New Testament
Jesus' Parables
Greek Verbs you like
Fruits of the Spirit
I AM statements of Jesus (book of John)
Verses pertaining to salvation
Armor of God
Faith Heroes (Hebrews 11)

Whole Bible
Women in the Bible
God's Promises
Names of Jesus
Verses on Prayer
Fear Not 365 (all the Fear Not or Do Not Be Afraid verses)
The 3:16 verses (I have typed these out and keep them in a reference binder)
The 1:9 Verses 
Book Summaries
Chapter Summaries


  • Do you have ideas that aren't listed here?  I'd love to see your list!  Have you done any of the above studies?  Please comment below!
  • Grace and Peace to you....
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