Friday, February 4, 2022

Every Day Carry A5 Bullet Journal

 Welcome to your Friday Freebie!  This post is a little longer and I've included a few pictures, so pour yourself a beverage and settle into your comfy chair!

We'll be exploring a little bit of the planner/binder I use the most, as it carries lists and working documents and keeps my mind mostly clutter free.  Um, check that: I do not carry it with me to bed.  I probably should.  But I don't.   No sense inviting insomnia to cuddle up next to me.

I don't carry it to the shower, either.  Disaster.

Anyway, here it is and this is what I do with it.

Since the pandemic, I do not "plan" anymore, really; my life is much simpler.  However, my mind is still needs an outlet and I need a place to plan out things, make lists, and work out what's in my head.  I'm trying to reorganize my house, keep my craft ideas corralled, keep some personal lists, and plan for future travel.  So this is like keeping a bullet journal, in a way.  

I had years and years of notes lying around--notes about everything I am interested in and lists I made over the past few years.  I had separated them and eventually put them in other A5 binders, according to topic.  While these are good reference binders full of lists and notes and musings (and I do refer to them on a regular basis), I felt I needed a master planner binder, if you will, to keep me organized with current thoughts and contain my working documents.  I have information copied from various places to help me stay focused and use those creative muscles.  I guess it's really a big, cute "Notes and To Do Lists Binder.  Just inside an A5 binder.

Here's a view from the top, showing the tab labels.  I'm not really a fancy girl and just use what I have.  I have even used mini sticky notes but they wear out pretty fast.

The topics I have in here are:


Binder Table of Contents








Yes, they are alphabetical.  How else would you do it?

Here's a view of the inside cover:

On the left side you can see stickers, a mini zipper pocket of paper clips, and other little bits.  On the right side, I am starting to keep a To Do list of the various projects in the house and on my mind and, in keeping it this way, I hope to stay on top of what I want to remember, or at least jog my memory and go find my list of specifics in another binder.  Would you like to see those other binders?

Okay this is just the outside of them, haha. I'll show you the insides in another post.  These are not set in stone and I do change them up from time to time.  I do need to label some of them.  They work for me and that is what counts, right?  Do what works for you!

Here is the good stuff in this binder:  

These two pages show my Table of Contents for all those binders.  The bolded list on the left is the main listing of the binders; the next two columns list out the specifics in each binder.  Although, as of this writing, I have changed up some of my content and lists for my Spiritual Binders; more on that at another time.  But you get the general idea?  I can then find specific information for which I am looking.


I told you I did lists!  #ListGirlsForever  I may not use all the ideas on these lists, but I have used these (and other) lists for reference or when I want to change things up.  These provide ideas and get my mind out of a plannering/creative slump.  I find these lists all over Pinterest and it's easier to keep lists like this in a planner rather than search high and low for that specific list on the Interwebs.  Less Pain, More Productivity.  I have various lists in many of my binders: Planner lists, Home lists, Travel lists, Craft and Craft Room get the idea.  I think it's fun to write them out.  #WordNerd


I do make my own dividers for these binders.  For this one, I used some map papers, a Honey sticker, some gumball (round) stickers, and a word saying.  These are doubled up paper, sometimes using a thick paper in-between for strength.


Well, that's what I got today on this Friday Freebie.  Maybe you found some ideas?  Tell me in the comments!  I sure love hearing what you are doing.



Sticker Truck Gone (     Sign up to be notified when the Sticker Truck comes back into town!

I love these pens:

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