Friday, March 25, 2022

My Bible Tote - a tour

 Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15

This is my current Bible tote.  Current, because I do change things up from time to time, hoping to keep things fresh and interesting.  Not that I need change anything when it comes to my Bible work, but maybe it's my creative, organizational need to aesthetically change things up from time to time.  I usually sit at my craft table that I've got in our living room, but there are times when I want to do Bible work on the couch.  Hey, I'm not a spring chicken anymore and I like my bit of comfort, haha.   #whocanrelate 

As you can see, it is a Craftsman tool tote I found on Amazon.  They used to sell these at Sears, do you remember?  It is really sturdy and comes in a few colors.  It is not currently available, but there are other totes like this available.


Here is the Bible I am using for 2022.  I am using it as mostly a reading Bible as I do have another Bible that is full of underlining and notes and stickers.  But you know I am doing a daily Scripture writing plan and I am highlighting and dating each daily verse(s), which you can see below.


Below is my current setup of my Bible work A5 binder.  It is a Carpe Diem product; they do not sell this particular pink blush color anymore (I think) but they are selling different colors and patterns.  In this binder, my tabs are: 

Hymns - a small collection of my favorites
Daily Reading - keeping me on track
DSW - where my current and past months are kept
DSW Ideas - where I keep ideas for themes or specific verses that capture my interest
Study Ideas listing (#AllTheBibleProjects) - my list is ever growing
Faith Planner - a place where I keep interesting lists, ideas, and topics for future inclusion or tweaking in my current set up.


I keep a few stamp sets in here for whenever and wherever the fancy strikes me. Some links are below.


Here is my Sticker Book!  It just half pages of sticker sheets attached to half sheets of paper and already-cut stickers in zipper pouches contained in a disc bound half-size booklet.  I made the covers from thin plastic cutting mats I find at the Dollar Store and cut down to size.  Get yourself a couple of packs and have fun!



I have other sticky notes in another little pouch in this tote but the printed sticky notes pictured above are too cute and I need to remember to use them!  I put these stickers in my DSW but I don't want to take my focus off the written verses so I use them sparingly.  That's just me.

Well, there you go.  Tell me about what you have in your portable Bible tote!  I love hearing about them and love learning new ideas!  If you don't have a Bible tote, will you be making one for yourself?  You can put things in there like I have, and also put in books you are currently reading, or whatever you want that gets you to spend time reading and studying your Bible.  Let me know!  If you have any questions about anything shown here, please let me know in the comments.

Thanks for reading!

Could this signature line BE any bigger?  haha I'm working on it #eyeroll


NASB Journal the Word Reference Bible

 (March 2022) Staying Salty: March 2022 Daily Scripture Writing (  I curate these myself based on a theme every month and usually post these on the last day of the month.  April 2022 will be Easter-related; please subscribe so you don't miss the posting!


The Paper Studio - I found this set at Hobby Lobby one day and do not know if they still sell it.

Illustrated Faith Stamps Archives - Illustrated Faith I could not find the specific stamp set I have but they have other cute stamps!  

I was a CTMH Consultant in another life and have older product; they have lovely ink pads and other things, too.

The Reset Girl  
Sign up to be notified when the Sticker Truck comes back into town!  Their ordering window is open for only a short time, so when you hear the music, order quickly!

Monster Stickers
These come and go on Amazon so keep an eye on them.  I've heard these may be found at Walmart.

Frixion highlighters
I need -okay, want- more of these binders--how about you?  #savingmypennies


  1. I love your tote! Thanks for sharing all your setups and supplies.

    1. Thank you for stopping by! Love you!
