Friday, February 18, 2022

Journaling Cards

I've been trying to find my Crafty Mojo for the last two years.  I've read numerous articles, played with different mediums, tried some new techniques.  But all I was able to do was make another pile of "I'm not satisfied."  I didn't mind making mini messes but I did mind being unable to find something that scratched that creative itch.  Some things were too hard for me, other things didn't end up looking like they should, others were just too expensive....  Woe was me!

I have been wanting to get back into creating Artist Trading Cards (ATCs).  I had some fun with these a few years ago and remembered how easy I found them to be; there is no limit to your creativity and since they are small in size, not too much stress is involved.  Also, since I've spent over a year reading and writing out Scripture, I have wanted to make something crafty with Bible verses.  Et voila, I found my answer!  While I am waiting to purchase paper or precut ATC cards (they are already cut to the 3.5 x 2.5 inch rectangle that ATCs are required to be), and I had a plethora of journaling cards, I decided to start with those.  I gathered my collection of stickers, markers, stamps and inks, adhesives...and got to work organizing all that create-y goodness.  I have stamps and stickers from all over and am not really partial to one creative company.

To begin with, I had this mess:

Not sure where I should start, I had the idea to type up the January DSW in different fonts and print out the verses that I curated late last year and have been cutting them apart to glue on the journaling cards:

I not only cut them down to make all the words fit on the cards, but I was careful to cut the words apart where the phrases would make sense on the cards.  Maybe that's a #WordNerd thing, I don't know.

Long story short, here are some examples:

I have seen folks punch a hole and keep cards on a ring but I am not sure about what to do just yet.  I have them corralled in a little container to keep them from scattering.  

I think I can stick with this for a while.  At least, it is my hope that I can make journaling cards or ATCs with all the 2022 DSW themes.  Won't that make a fun little collection?

What project combines your love for crafting and your love of the Scriptures?  Tell me about it!  Let's encourage each other :)

Grace and Peace to you.


Products:  Just use what you have if you want to do a project like this.  I love combining Scripture with whatever crafty product is within reach.

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