Monday, February 28, 2022

March 2022 Daily Scripture Writing

A voice is calling, "Clear the way for the Lord in the wilderness; make smooth in the desert a highway for our God."  Isaiah 40:3

The celebration of Easter is next month.  It is my favorite holiday.  I wondered how I could prepare my heart to be ready to receive the messages that God wanted to say to me through Bible reading, church sermons, and prayer.  I took cues from writings about the Lenten season and did my research.  You'll find verses for this month about preparation, prayer, and fasting.   I do hope you'll write one verse a day and prepare your heart for the story and remembrance of His death, burial, and resurrection.

Is your heart ready?

This document is formatted for a half sheet, A5 size piece of paper. 

Again, sorry for the awkwardness of the photo!  I am teaching myself how to convert MS Word documents to a different format for Blogger.

The Voice in a Dream

 You, however, continue in the things you have learned and become convinced of, knowing from whom you have learned them, and that from childhood you have known the sacred writings which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.  All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.  2 Timothy 3: 14-17

God, in the Gospel of His Son
Benjamin Beddome (1717 - 1795)
Thomas Cotterill (1779 - 1823)

God in the gospel of His Son,
Makes His eternal counsels known;
Where love in all its glory shines,
And truth is drawn in fairest lines.

Here sinners of a humble frame
May taste His grace, and learn His name;
May read, in characters of blood,
The wisdom, pow'r, and grace of God.

The pris'ner may break his chains;
The weary rest from all his pains;
The captive feel his bondage cease;
The mourner find the way of peace.

Here faith reveals to mortal eyes
A brighter world beyond the skies;
Here shines the light which guides our way
From earth to realms of endless day.

O grant us grace, Almighty Lord,
To read and mark Thy holy Word;
Its truths with meekness to receive,
And by its holy precepts live.

I have been a Christian for a long time.  And sometimes I have taken the Bible for granted.  There has been a Bible or two on my bookshelves for a very long time.  I have study Bibles, a journaling Bible, I even have two or three that belonged to my mom and dad.  One that my dad repaired with packing tape!  Their writing and notes inside are very precious to me.

Ever since I have been reading the Bible every day, I am pleased to say that I am seeing it with fresh eyes.  Oh, I've not become jaded to the #truth written in those pages; I still love each and every word that is in there.  It still announces a message of freedom--freedom from sin, freedom from wandering, and freedom to love God with all my heart, mind, and soul (Deuteronomy 6:5).  I know that God's Word shines light into the darkness of people's lives.

This particular hymn reminds us that Scripture helps us to recognize the name of our loving Heavenly Father.  For some it is a search for a voice in a dream.  It is faint; who is it?  Then the Good Book is opened and the questioning child sees the name that has lived in his hopes--the Almighty Lord, loving Savior, Friend, and Guide.  



God, in the Gospel of His Son (Germany) - YouTube

Benjamin Beddome - Wikipedia

Thomas Cotterill |

Home - Faith Comes By Hearing

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Word Study - Stronghold

 I will raise my eyes to the mountains; from where will my help come?  My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.  He will not allow your foot to slip; He who watches over you will not slumber.  Behold, He who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.  The Lord is your protector, the Lord is your shade on your right hand.  The sun will not beat down on you by day, nor the moon by night.  The Lord will protect you from all evil; He will keep your soul.  The Lord will guard your going out and your coming in from this time and forever.   Psalm 121

The Lord also will be a stronghold for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.  Psalm 9:9

Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits, who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit, who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy.  Psalm 103:2-4


stronghold:  a place of security or survival

Hebrew -- misgab: a secure height, retreat, stronghold

Original Word: מִשְׂגָּב
Part of Speech: noun masculine; proper name, of a location
Transliteration: misgab
Phonetic Spelling: (mis-gawb')
Definition: a secure height, retreat, stronghold
Text To Speech in a Variety of Languages and Dialects Voices (


Greek -- ochuróma: a stronghold, fortress

Original Word: ὀχύρωμα, ατος, τό
Part of Speech: Noun, Neuter
Transliteration: ochuróma
Phonetic Spelling: (okh-oo'-ro-mah)
Definition: a stronghold, fortress
Usage: a fortress, strong defense, stronghold.
Text To Speech in a Variety of Languages and Dialects Voices (


Links for further study:

Dictionary by Merriam-Webster: America's most-trusted online dictionary

Strong's Hebrew: 4869. מִשְׂגָּב (misgab) -- a secure height, retreat, stronghold (

Strong's Greek: 3794. ὀχύρωμα (ochuróma) -- a stronghold, fortress (

What Does the Bible Say About Strongholds? (

Text To Speech in a Variety of Languages and Dialects Voices (

Picture:  Masada        Masada - Wikipedia

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Study Topic Ideas

Your word I have treasured in my heart that I may not sin against You.  Psalm 119:11

The mind of the prudent acquires knowledge and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.  Proverbs 18:15

Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.  Philippians 4:8

Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.   2 Timothy 2:15

I have an ongoing, ever-growing list of topics I want to study. I want to make lists with information and Bible verses, Old Testament studies, New Testament studies...all in the hope of knowing my Bible better and thus, knowing God better. Would you like to start a list or add to the one you've got going?  See my current list below.

But first, here are some interesting Bible facts:

66 books (Old Testament: 39 books - New Testament: 27 books)
40 Authors
1500 years to write the Bible
1189 Chapters (OT: 929 - NT: 260)
31,173 Verses (OT: 23,214 - NT: 7,959)
Written in 3 languages: Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek
3,294 Questions
6468 Commands
1260 Promises
8,000+ Prophesies
Longest Chapter: Psalm 119
Shortest Chapter: Psalm 117

Ready for some study ideas?

Old Testament
Hebrew Words you like
The Jewish Calendar
Boundary Stones
10 Plagues of Egypt
Tabernacle (summary and specifics)
Psalms (the book of Psalms is divided into five sections-can you find them?)
Who is a mentor in the Old Testament to you?

New Testament
Jesus' Parables
Greek Verbs you like
Fruits of the Spirit
I AM statements of Jesus (book of John)
Verses pertaining to salvation
Armor of God
Faith Heroes (Hebrews 11)

Whole Bible
Women in the Bible
God's Promises
Names of Jesus
Verses on Prayer
Fear Not 365 (all the Fear Not or Do Not Be Afraid verses)
The 3:16 verses (I have typed these out and keep them in a reference binder)
The 1:9 Verses 
Book Summaries
Chapter Summaries


  • Do you have ideas that aren't listed here?  I'd love to see your list!  Have you done any of the above studies?  Please comment below!
  • Grace and Peace to you....
  • Monday, February 21, 2022

    Love Light Joy

     But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us.  For I am convinced that neither death, not life, nor angels, no principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.  Romans 8: 37-39

    O Love That Will Not Let Me Go
    George Matheson (1842 - 1906)
    music Albert L Peace

    O Love that will not let me go,
    I rest my weary soul in Thee;
    I give Thee back the life I owe, 
    that in Thine ocean depths its flow
    may richer, fuller be.

    O Light that foll'west all my way,
    I yield my flick'ring torch to Thee;
    my heart restores its borrowed ray,
    that in Thy sunshine's blazed its day
    may brighter, fairer be.

    O Joy that seekest me through pain,
    I cannot close my heart to Thee;
    I trace the rainbow through the rain,
    and feel the promise is not vain
    that morn shall tearless be.

    O Cross that liftest up my head,
    I dare not ask to fly from Thee;
    I lay in dust life's glory dead,
    and from the ground there blossoms red
    life that shall endless be.

    Not only is this hymn set to amazing music (listen below), but it is a beautifully written, deeply felt tribute of praise to our heavenly Father.  He is lauded as our love, our light, our joy...all because of the Cross.  It is a declaration of surrender to His perfect will, a resolve to follow Him for all our days.  These words are the kind of words that one formats and prints out and keeps in daily view to remind oneself of the value of commitment to the long road of obedience to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

    Grace and Peace to you.


    Links for further reading and enjoyment:

    (much weeping on my part-they sing beautifully!  Oh yes: turn this up)

    Friday, February 18, 2022

    Journaling Cards

    I've been trying to find my Crafty Mojo for the last two years.  I've read numerous articles, played with different mediums, tried some new techniques.  But all I was able to do was make another pile of "I'm not satisfied."  I didn't mind making mini messes but I did mind being unable to find something that scratched that creative itch.  Some things were too hard for me, other things didn't end up looking like they should, others were just too expensive....  Woe was me!

    I have been wanting to get back into creating Artist Trading Cards (ATCs).  I had some fun with these a few years ago and remembered how easy I found them to be; there is no limit to your creativity and since they are small in size, not too much stress is involved.  Also, since I've spent over a year reading and writing out Scripture, I have wanted to make something crafty with Bible verses.  Et voila, I found my answer!  While I am waiting to purchase paper or precut ATC cards (they are already cut to the 3.5 x 2.5 inch rectangle that ATCs are required to be), and I had a plethora of journaling cards, I decided to start with those.  I gathered my collection of stickers, markers, stamps and inks, adhesives...and got to work organizing all that create-y goodness.  I have stamps and stickers from all over and am not really partial to one creative company.

    To begin with, I had this mess:

    Not sure where I should start, I had the idea to type up the January DSW in different fonts and print out the verses that I curated late last year and have been cutting them apart to glue on the journaling cards:

    I not only cut them down to make all the words fit on the cards, but I was careful to cut the words apart where the phrases would make sense on the cards.  Maybe that's a #WordNerd thing, I don't know.

    Long story short, here are some examples:

    I have seen folks punch a hole and keep cards on a ring but I am not sure about what to do just yet.  I have them corralled in a little container to keep them from scattering.  

    I think I can stick with this for a while.  At least, it is my hope that I can make journaling cards or ATCs with all the 2022 DSW themes.  Won't that make a fun little collection?

    What project combines your love for crafting and your love of the Scriptures?  Tell me about it!  Let's encourage each other :)

    Grace and Peace to you.


    Products:  Just use what you have if you want to do a project like this.  I love combining Scripture with whatever crafty product is within reach.

    Wednesday, February 16, 2022

    Word Study - Refuge

    The Lord also will be a stronghold for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble;  
    Psalm 9:9

    But as for me, I shall sing of your strength; yes, I shall joyfully sing of Your lovingkindness in the morning, for You have been my stronghold and a refuge in the day of my distress.  O my strength, I will sing praises to You, for God is my stronghold, the God who shows me lovingkindness.  Psalm 59: 16-17



    1. Protection or shelter, as from danger or hardship.
    2. A place providing protection or shelter.

    A place of resort and safety. The principal words in the Old Testament are machaceh (Psalms 14:646:162:7,8Isaiah 4:6, etc.), and manoc (2 Samuel 22:3Psalms 59:16, etc.), both applied chiefly to God as a "refuge" for His people. 

    For the King James Version "refuge" in Deuteronomy 33:27, the Revised Version (British and American) has "dwelling-place," and in Psalm 9:9, "high tower." 

    Conversely, the Revised Version (British and American) has "refuge" for the King James Version "shelter" in Psalms 61:3, and "hope" in Jeremiah 17:17.


    Strong's #4268: machaceh (pronounced makh-as-eh')

    or machceh {makh-seh'}; from 2620; a shelter (literally or figuratively):--hope, (place of) refuge, shelter, trust.

    A Biblical definition of Refuge is: A place of comfort, shelter, and safety. It is dwelling place in the arms and Word of God. It is a place of peace, hope, and joy away from the world. The Hebrew words machaceh (Psalms 14:6; 46:1; 62:7,8; Isaiah 4:6), and manoc (2 Samuel 22:3; Psalms 59:16), Relate God as the Refuge for His people. Our place is a refuge to find and or reconnect with our Father, the Creator and Savior of us all.



    List of Bible verses:  What Does the Bible Say About God Is Our Refuge? (

    Refuge Definition and Meaning - Bible Dictionary (

    Refuge and Retreat Center - Home (

    How to pronounce Machaceh |

    Strong's Hebrew Search: refuge (

    Monday, February 14, 2022

    What A Difference!

     "I am the good shepherd, and I know My own and My own know Me, even as the Father knows Me and I know the Father; and I lay down My life for the sheep .... My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; and I give eternal life to them, and no one will snatch them out of My hand."  John 10: 14-15, 27-28

    I Am His, and He Is Mine
    George Wade Robinson (1838 - 1877)

    Loved with everlasting love,
    led by grace that love to know;
    Spirit, breathing from above, 
    Thou hast taught me it is so!
    Oh, this full and perfect peace!
    Oh, this transport all divine!
    In a love which cannot cease
    I am His, and He is mine.

    Heav'n above is softer blue,
    earth around is sweeter green!
    Something lives in ev'ry hue
    Christless eyes have never seen:
    Birds with gladder songs o'erflow
    Flow'rs with deeper beauties shine,
    Since I know, as now I know,
    I am His, and He is mine.

    Things that once were wild alarms
    cannot now disturb my rest;
    closed in everlasting arms,
    pillowed on the loving breast,
    Oh, to lie forever here,
    doubt, and care and self resign,
    While He whispers in my ear--
    I am His, and He is mine.

    His forever, only His;
    Who the Lord and me shall part?
    Ah, with what a rest of bliss,
    Christ can fill the loving heart!
    Heav'n and earth may fade and flee,
    First born light in gloom decline;
    But while God and I shall be, 
    I am His, and He is mine.

    What difference does Christ make to your life?  We, as Christ-followers, certainly have eternal life in heaven to which to look forward.  But does Christ make a difference to you here on earth?

    Of course it does!  Our life as a Christian is infinitely richer, more secure, and more joyful.  Those who do not know Christ can only know part of the blessings that God has gifted to this world.  Believers know the Creator, and that makes all the difference.

    Isn't the sky bluer, the grass greener, every flower face full of joy to be in the sunshine of His grace?  Aren't the mountains more majestic, the ocean more melodic, doesn't each tree lift its arms in praise to the One who made it?  How blessed are we to join in that sweet song of praise and awestruck worship and complete surrender to know the Heavenly Father who has blessed us with every blessing? (See Ephesians 1:3).  We recognize that these are gifts from the God who loves us.  They are expressions of Who He Is and we love Him with all our heart.

    Raise your hands and your face to the One who loves you and give Him praise.


    Links for your enjoyment and further reading:

    Friday, February 4, 2022

    Every Day Carry A5 Bullet Journal

     Welcome to your Friday Freebie!  This post is a little longer and I've included a few pictures, so pour yourself a beverage and settle into your comfy chair!

    We'll be exploring a little bit of the planner/binder I use the most, as it carries lists and working documents and keeps my mind mostly clutter free.  Um, check that: I do not carry it with me to bed.  I probably should.  But I don't.   No sense inviting insomnia to cuddle up next to me.

    I don't carry it to the shower, either.  Disaster.

    Anyway, here it is and this is what I do with it.

    Since the pandemic, I do not "plan" anymore, really; my life is much simpler.  However, my mind is still needs an outlet and I need a place to plan out things, make lists, and work out what's in my head.  I'm trying to reorganize my house, keep my craft ideas corralled, keep some personal lists, and plan for future travel.  So this is like keeping a bullet journal, in a way.  

    I had years and years of notes lying around--notes about everything I am interested in and lists I made over the past few years.  I had separated them and eventually put them in other A5 binders, according to topic.  While these are good reference binders full of lists and notes and musings (and I do refer to them on a regular basis), I felt I needed a master planner binder, if you will, to keep me organized with current thoughts and contain my working documents.  I have information copied from various places to help me stay focused and use those creative muscles.  I guess it's really a big, cute "Notes and To Do Lists Binder.  Just inside an A5 binder.

    Here's a view from the top, showing the tab labels.  I'm not really a fancy girl and just use what I have.  I have even used mini sticky notes but they wear out pretty fast.

    The topics I have in here are:


    Binder Table of Contents








    Yes, they are alphabetical.  How else would you do it?

    Here's a view of the inside cover:

    On the left side you can see stickers, a mini zipper pocket of paper clips, and other little bits.  On the right side, I am starting to keep a To Do list of the various projects in the house and on my mind and, in keeping it this way, I hope to stay on top of what I want to remember, or at least jog my memory and go find my list of specifics in another binder.  Would you like to see those other binders?

    Okay this is just the outside of them, haha. I'll show you the insides in another post.  These are not set in stone and I do change them up from time to time.  I do need to label some of them.  They work for me and that is what counts, right?  Do what works for you!

    Here is the good stuff in this binder:  

    These two pages show my Table of Contents for all those binders.  The bolded list on the left is the main listing of the binders; the next two columns list out the specifics in each binder.  Although, as of this writing, I have changed up some of my content and lists for my Spiritual Binders; more on that at another time.  But you get the general idea?  I can then find specific information for which I am looking.


    I told you I did lists!  #ListGirlsForever  I may not use all the ideas on these lists, but I have used these (and other) lists for reference or when I want to change things up.  These provide ideas and get my mind out of a plannering/creative slump.  I find these lists all over Pinterest and it's easier to keep lists like this in a planner rather than search high and low for that specific list on the Interwebs.  Less Pain, More Productivity.  I have various lists in many of my binders: Planner lists, Home lists, Travel lists, Craft and Craft Room get the idea.  I think it's fun to write them out.  #WordNerd


    I do make my own dividers for these binders.  For this one, I used some map papers, a Honey sticker, some gumball (round) stickers, and a word saying.  These are doubled up paper, sometimes using a thick paper in-between for strength.


    Well, that's what I got today on this Friday Freebie.  Maybe you found some ideas?  Tell me in the comments!  I sure love hearing what you are doing.



    Sticker Truck Gone (     Sign up to be notified when the Sticker Truck comes back into town!

    I love these pens:

    Tuesday, February 1, 2022

    February DSW - God's Heart

     But whatever things were gain to me, those things I have counted as loss for the sake of Christ.  

    More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so that I may gain Christ, 

    and may be found in Him, not having a righteousness of my own derived from the Law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which comes from God on the basis of faith,

    that I may know Him... 

    Philippians 3:7-10a


    Welcome February!

    I have been much taken with the concept of seeking God's heart--what He thinks and how He thinks it--and how He sees our heart and how He wants His children to respond to Him.    While many Scripture plans show us how to live, I want to seek His heart and go deeper in my relationship with Him.  If I seek to know Him I can adjust my way of thinking into God's way of thinking.  And while I am just one of His creations, I can get closer to knowing Who He Is.  This is not just a one month and done; it is a lifelong journey and a lifelong relationship.  Will you join me as we continue to seek the Creator of the Universe?  He loves you so very much.

    I write one verse every day in addition to reading a different daily reading.

    Enjoy--and peace and grace to you.

    My apologies for the funky-looking picture.  I need more practice or the ability to attach documents to these posts.